Well Mind


Revive Massage

Revive Massage

Well MindRevive MassageDid you know that therapy massages help reduce stress, low anxiety, improve...

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Coping with bereavement

Coping with bereavement

There are things you can do that may help you to cope with your loss and people who can support you through your bereavement.

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Managing Stress at Home

Managing Stress at Home

Once the novelty of working from home wears off and the challenges become more apparent, it is not difficult to see why people may start to become stressed.

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The Power of Positivity

The Power of Positivity

The current situation is an extremely confusing, difficult and trying time for all. This level of change and unpredictability may cause additional stress and anxiety.

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Top Tips

Create a routine

Plan your day out, write it down and put it on the wall.

Build time in your day to relax

Taking breaks can promote productivity.

Find ways to comfort yourself when feeling anxious

Breathing exercises, mindfulness or even puzzles can help distract your mind in moments of anxiety.

Talk to your children

Children will also worry about the situation which can increase the household tension level. Explain what is going on using the facts, children appreciate honesty.

Keep connected

It is important to socialise during physical distancing. Utilise video calling to catch up with colleagues, hold a team quiz to just chat about how you are feeling.


  • Draw a picture

  • Take regular breaks

  • Try mindful meditation

  • Send someone a positive message

  • Limit your access to social media